Wednesday, May 8, 2024

From Barre to Bootcamp: Is Your Body Complaining About Your Punishing Workout Regime? Practice Some Self-Care With These Top Recovery Tips!

Are you trying your best to stay fit and active, but finding those subsequent aches, stiff joints and niggling pain putting you off working out? Fear not, we’ve found expert help – which is all about focusing on that recovery phase of exercise, and making sure we’re practicing some self-care!

In Partnership with SRW Laboratories (Science Research Wellness)

Trying to stay fit and active can be a serious challenge. Just carving out some time in our busy lives can be one heck of a task, then there’s choosing a form of movement that suits us, that we’re able to keep up with (and maintain our flexibility and mobility to ensure it’s pain-free!)

We get that wonderful kick of positive endorphins when we do a high intensity workout, like running, tennis, pickleball, barre, bootcamps, CrossFit, F45 or martial arts – but sometimes, that wonderful rush is then crushed by subsequent aches and stiff joints.

That niggling pain or discomfort can start within just a few hours after a workout, or, worse – in full force the following day.

The fact is, pain is our body’s warning system. It’s there to tell us when we have gone beyond the comfort zone of our normal flexibility and movement parameters. And, the bad news is, that as we age, our joints tend to lose mobility and flexibility, and the normal recovery and repair processes don’t happen as readily as they used to. Sigh. But fear not, there are a number of relatively easy ways we can help support our bodies and be kind to them, while also maintaining our active lifestyles and reaping all the other benefits of keeping fit!

Here’s five expert tips to help you avoid those post-exercise pains:

1) Cool down & Stretch
End your workout slowly and give your muscles time to loosen and switch off. Follow up with some gentle stretching – this is a simple and effective way to help flush out the build-up of lactic acid, the cause of muscle craping and stiffness!

2) Sleep
Getting some decent rest is one of the fastest ways to aid recovery. Sleep provides your body with the chance to repair muscle tissue and cells, restore energy, and releases molecules like hormones and proteins.

Experts agree that sleeping eight hours each night is ideal (if you can!). You’ll not only recover quickly but also wake up refreshed and ready to be active again!

3) Supplements to Help Joint Stress
SRW Laboratories (Science Research Wellness) is a local nutraceutical company based in Auckland founded by pharmacist and healthspan expert, Greg Macpherson. The team harness the very latest scientific developments to formulate a range of natural products that help our wellbeing as we age.

For the gym bunnies, Skl¹ Mobility is a joint supplement that helps maintain robust cartilage and ligaments, supporting the recovery and maintenance of active joints. Containing a special combination of natural ingredients PEA (a fatty acid found in peanuts and egg yolks) NEM and 5-LOXIN, Skl¹ provides the building blocks for cartilage to support joints and has been scientifically shown to soothe joints, in as little as 24 hours.

Kayla Gordine

It’s a fave and a go-to for Kayla Gordine – a singer, certified holistic health coach and wellness enthusiast, who is well known from her work with Reebok and Les Mills Healthclubs. Kayla says she uses SRW health supplements to support her body and maintain her active lifestyle. “I love SRW products because they contain predominantly natural ingredients,” she tells. “They are made right here in New Zealand at the company’s local facilities using the latest scientific research and proprietary blends that really make a difference to my health and wellbeing.”

4) Food & Nutrition
Food is important! It’s the fuel which your body transforms into energy, and crucially, it also powers the recovery process.

Try to maintain a diet that has a balance of fruit, vegetables and wholefoods. Foods like lean protein, carbohydrates and antioxidants can also be your best friends as they help to trigger the functions that aid recovery following exercise.

To aid in recovery, try to eat something within 45 minutes of finishing your workout, even if it’s only a snack. Handy foods to target to support rejuvenation include eggs, pomegranates, watermelon, chicken and dairy (including full cream milk!). 

5) Drink Plenty of Fluids
Hydrating after a workout is crucial to recovery. Consider plain water, electrolytes, or a performance focused sports drink for best results.

Water provides many benefits for recovery, including carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells and regulating temperature. Hydration helps your body maintain a stable heart rate and healthy blood pressure.

None of the above should replace professional medical advice. Always speak to your GP before taking any supplements. 

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