Thursday, May 9, 2024

It’s Eclipse Season: How to Harness Its Transformative Power & Why It’s Time for Reclamation

Over the next fortnight there will be a penumbral lunar eclipse on March 24-25, followed two weeks later by April 8th’s total solar eclipse. So what does eclipse season mean and how can we harness the energy created by these celestial spectacles? Our resident spiritual advisor Gaia Chinniah is here to explain:

Lunar Eclipse – March 24 -25th

The cosmos has an intricate way of orchestrating events to help us release and flow with life, both as individuals and as a civilisation. Overall the month of March holds an energy of reclaiming our power and being in line with what you truly desire. We have a celestial spectacle set to unfold in a lunar eclipse on March 24 -25th. A lunar eclipse occurs when the full moon moves into the Earth’s shadow, causing the moon to be darkened. More than just a captivating display in the night sky, eclipses carry profound astrological significance, often serving as catalysts for change and transformation – in this case, resurrecting ourselves as to who we want to be by being it and living it. This upcoming lunar eclipse, a penumbral eclipse is part of an 18-month cycle tied to the lunar nodes, promising a period of reflection, release, and resurrection which amplifies March’s power reclamation theme.

Why do Eclipses Matter?
Eclipses, occurring in pairs during eclipse seasons, symbolise potent moments of cosmic alignment. The lunar eclipse in March is part of a larger cycle associated with the lunar nodes, highlighting the intersection of the Moon’s orbit with the ecliptic. This celestial dance initiates a new eclipse cycle every 18-19 months, creating a dynamic energy that encourages shifts in various aspects of our lives. The 3rd month of the year can have us falling away with our new habits, and going back to a stagnant place, but this moon phase is bringing us back to so much more.

This specific penumbral lunar eclipse, located in Libra, holds the potential to prompt significant shifts in relationships and emphasises the importance of balance. Libra, represented by the scales, encourages us to evaluate partnerships and seek balance in our connections with others and within various aspects of our lives.

The eclipse’s influence extends beyond the spectacle in the sky, with a period of influence lasting six months from its occurrence. This is an important thing to remember for this eclipse! Although being a full moon, the eclipse gives us a phase to harvest and manifest intentions set during the preceding new moon in on the 10th. A cycle is completing, but simultaneously, a new path is beginning, emphasising what your desires are.

Harnessing the Lunar Eclipse Energy
Eclipses, with their potent energy, offer us an opportunity for introspection and growth. As the lunar eclipse approaches, consider the following ways to harness its transformative power:

·       The Energy of Transformation – This lunar eclipse holds immense transformative potential. During this lunation there may be a need to transform the desires that drive us, integrating a collective vision into our personal pursuits. The energy released during eclipses serves as a powerful catalyst for breaking free from outdated patterns, embracing change, and aligning with our deeper aspirations while sticking to them to make true progress.

·       Reflect on Relationships – Use this time to evaluate your connections with others. Are there imbalances or areas in need of adjustment? The energy of Libra encourages harmony and fairness in relationships.

·       Release Outdated Patterns – The lunar eclipse prompts us to let go of beliefs, situations, and relationships that no longer serve us. Consider what you need to release to make space for personal and collective growth.

·       Set Intentions for Renewal – Align with the energy of the eclipse by setting intentions for the coming months. What do you want to manifest and harvest in your life? Plant the seeds of your desires during this potent time.

·    Embrace Transformation – Recognise that the energy of the eclipse can lead to personal and collective transformation. Embrace change, be open to new possibilities, and allow the energy to propel you forward on your journey.

Total Solar Eclipse – April 8

Solar Eclipse Astrology: A Time for New Beginnings

On April 8 the universe will gift us another spectacle – a rare total solar eclipse. As the moon positions itself between the Earth and the sun, a profound moment of realignment unfolds. This awe-inspiring event invites us to delve into the transformative energies this time of the total solar eclipse and explore its significance in the realms of our personal growth.

The solar eclipse holds special astrological significance. This total eclipse promises a moment of powerful renewal and new beginnings. Aligning with the themes of the equinox, it encourages a fresh start and a renewed focus on constructive paths that are true to who we are.

Astrologers observe a recurring theme during solar eclipses, where those on a positive trajectory experience expansion and luck, while those off-course may face challenges redirecting them, especially when we have Mercury in retrograde at the same time. With Pluto’s significant shift into Aquarius in 2024, spanning two decades, the energy of this pivotal year amplifies the transformative potential of the solar eclipse.

Solar eclipses are rare and carry unique energy. In 2024, with two solar eclipses on the horizon, preparing for the big day becomes paramount. Take this opportunity to envision the sunny future you wish to manifest and engage in some pre-eclipse cleansing in your life – whether it involves relationships or career moves, proactive steps during this period can yield grand prospects. The days following the eclipse are equally intriguing, unveiling potential shifts and opportunities.

Take the opportunity for renewal, introspection, and the birth of doors you have been wanting beginning to open to lead you to more. Let the cosmic energy guide you towards a brighter and more aligned future to your soul purpose.

Gaia is an internationally known healer, medium and spiritual coach. She founded Soul 33 a healing company and the modality of Soul Progression Therapy when she had an awakening at the age of 33. She channels messages from spirit guides, uses energy healing and is able to speak to your soul and see your past lives. Gaia has a Masters in Management Studies, is a Reiki Master and has a qualification from Omega Institute New York in Past Life Regression Therapy. Each month Gaia provides a monthly forecast of how you can use the energy to plan, manifest and heal your life. for her Spiritual Guidance app search ‘Soul33’ on your app store.

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