Monday, May 6, 2024

ENCAPSULATED: Robyn Malcolm On Her All Time Faves And Her Big Hopes For the Future

The one book you’d recommend above all others?

“Staying Alive” the best anthology of world poetry I’ve come across. When I had small children I could never stay awake or concentrate long enough to read a chapter of a book, so I bought this book and resorted to poetry. You can experience the whole world in one poem.

The song that uplifts you on difficult days?

Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream.

The piece of advice that’s been most helpful?

It’s not about you dickhead.

The dream you still hope to achieve?

Paying off my mortgage.

The first thought you had this morning?

I love my bed.

The thing you’re the most proud of?

My two sons.

The travel you think about the most?


The possession you most prize?

Other than my kids, my dog, and my cat…. My health.

The challenge you’re most proud of conquering?

Solo motherhood.

The happiest memory that comes to mind?

My two labours. Yes really.

The TV show you put on when you want to relax?

At the moment Derry Girls.

The movie that never fails to make you cry?

A Separation.

The person you’d like to say thank you to the most?

There’s a very very long list. The older I get the more grateful I feel towards so many people. Family, friends, work colleagues. But if I had to choose one it would definitely be my mum.

The skill or hobby you love the most?

I am extremely skilled at procrastination. The gaps between doing the things i should be doing I can fill with all sorts of wonders.

The hopes you have for the next 12 months – both in NZ and worldwide?

That Trump loses the US election, that Johnson has to leave Downing Street and a Labour Government is elected, that Scotland votes and gets its independence, that Labour is re-elected here and Jacinda’s politics of kindness sweeps across the world like the biggest Mexican wave ever. That we start really taking the hit and deal with climate change properly and that we find a way to protect the vulnerable around the world from Covid. And that eventually the genius’ amongst us discover a vaccine.

Robyn stars in the new Kiwi film This Town in cinemas nationwide on 6th August.

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