Saturday, May 4, 2024

Welcome to Capsule

It’s great to see you

Once upon a time, we were all at the helm of some of New Zealand’s best magazines – New Zealand Woman’s Weekly, The Australian Women’s Weekly and NEXT. We all loved our jobs fiercely; magazines, writing and editing were our passions, our lifeblood, and our livelihoods. We all had our dream jobs until our company folded during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, taking with it 237 jobs. After a few weeks of tears, too many carbs and so much wine the neighbours judged us on recycling day, we all realised what we wanted to do – write. So Capsule was born, a site for the savvy, strong, intelligent and stylish woman who wants to know what’s happening, what’s trending, what’s new, and what’s worth talking about. For many of us, Capsule marks the first time we’re writing for ourselves – our wonderful, messy, flawed and fabulous selves. A true capsule collection, we aim to deliver a site will be the ultimate curated collection of everything our audience needs to help them feel successful, informed and entertained.

The Capsule Collective: Why It’s Ok to Cry At Work

It's our working life and we'll cry if we want to. Our stories of trying to keep it together at work - and the...

The Capsule Collective: VHS Tapes, Retail Rage & Saving Up For Sh*t Cars – Lessons From Our First Jobs

KellyI maintain that everyone, everyone, should have to do a stint in retail during their formative years.  There are many reasons why I say this...

Encapsulated: Capsule’s Editors on Our Dreams, Desires and Diving into the Deep End

Welcome to our latest edition of Encapsulated - but this time, we decided to ask ourselves some of the tough questions (well some of...

The Capsule Collective: Calling It A Night – What’s the Secret to Getting a Good Night’s Sleep??

How the heck does one get a good night's sleep - particularly in 2020?? At Capsule, we all have varying approaches to sleep and napping, but all know how incredibly infuriating it is to be watching the clock tick by at 3am, as you assess all your worries rather than catch your zzzzzzz's. Here's what we've learned about sleep over the years - the good, the bad, and how to ride that train all the way to Sleepy Town...